Thursday, 22 December 2011

Its nearly Christmas

Well its nearly Isabella's second Christmas and this time she is aware of something going on! She has very helpfully assisted the kittens in taking the decorations off the tree (although they did the best and pulled it down twice!) she went under the tree and found one of her own presents and brought it out to us and was a little grumpy when I said no she couldn't open it yet and it had to go back.
She loves the fact that there is wrapping paper around and that there are now two kittens to play with - she is very good with them and is very gentle with them and they are more than happy to go to her and be fussed.
I cant wait to see her opening her presents on Christmas Day and then playing with the paper and boxes more than the presents inside!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Professionals

Isabella has turned into a big fan of Bodie and Doyle and CI5, I put it on one time and she sat next to me totally engrossed in it. 
When she hears the theme tune start she wants to get up on the sofa next to me and its about the only time she will sit still for an hour - she even stays still when the adverts come on!

Monday, 12 September 2011

It's been a while

Well it's been a while since my last post and so much has happened, Isabella is much more mobile now as she has been taking her first few steps and loves the encouragement that we give her (lots of praise and clapping), it seems to make her want to keep on going as she squeals and giggles.
Isabella has also experienced her first flight on a plane over to Northern Ireland and she was brilliant - she sat with mummy on the way out and fell asleep whilst we were waiting to take off and woke up as we landed (so as far as she is concerned we never left lol) and then sat with me on the way back and stayed awake the entire time and successfully destroyed the free in flight magazine and kept smacking me round the face with the safety sheet!
She is learning things really quickly too and loves her books and knows which one to go and get just by saying the name of it - Bubbles Bubbles is a favourite
Isabella has also discovered next doors cat and if you say 'where is the cat' she points out of the window and says 'cat cat'.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

What people think doesn't matter

How many parents out there worry about what other people are thinking?
Yesterday I went to football with our middle child (he is 6), big sister came too and it was a nice sunny day and we sat on the grass watching, behind us there were two mums with young babies and one of the babies was crying and a bit grumpy and you could see the mother getting worried what people were thinking and she seemed too shy to try and make her baby smile.  Isabella got a bit grumpy and so I sat her on the grass and sang nursery rhymes to her and we played with the grass and she had a good old crawl around, I didn't care what people were thinking as Isabella was having fun and when she started laughing you could see others smiling.  Too many people get hung up on not looking stupid when it shouldn't matter as long as you and your baby are having fun, who cares if you are a bad singer (I am no X factor contestant!!!!) but Isabella doesn't judge me on that (YET! lol), a happy baby is much better than a stressed parent who is worried about what everyone else is thinking. 
Remember everyone was a baby once and you need to make it as happier time as possible as you only get one chance and the people around you are not really bothered about if you look silly that is all in your mind.

Eastenders is still a winner

Isabella is still fascinated with the Eastenders theme tune, it is the only programme on telly that she will stop what she is doing and watch.  She still sits there smiling and clapping along to the music (she is not so keen on the actual programme though as she generally falls asleep and wakes up for the end).
Its a shame the adverts have changed because she thought those were hilarious and the under dog advert used to get a few chuckles too.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Isabella had a good look through the Argos catalogue today - we now need a new one!!! There was paper everywhere but she loved it.  Her favourite things seemed to be security lights and solar light animal figures as she was crawling round the room with those pages in her hand.
She loved it when everyone else joined in and was throwing the paper around and it was falling all over her.

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Isabella has now learnt to crawl, day 1 started with as my wife put 'the humping stage' and she managed to go about 5 cms before falling forward, by the end of day 1 she was managing a couple of crawls.  Day 2 there was no stopping her she made it from the living room into the dining room and into the kitchen!
Now we have the joys of watching where you step just incase she has moved behind you, she also loves shaking her head when you say no and like all children across the world no means yes and yes means yes lol.
She gets that twinkle in her eye when she sees something she wants and knows that she shouldn't have gives you a big smile and a laugh and goes for it - shaking her head everytime you say no and laughing as she gets closer.  I can safely say I love being a dad and I am so glad I am here to see Isabella growing and developing.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

She found the sky remote again!

Isabella found the Sky remote again and being that little bit older she was able to play with it more.  She was sat there with a look of total amazement at the little red flashing light at the end of the remote everytime she pressed a button and then when the channel changed she looked surprised.  Being the clever little baby that she is she soon realised that pressing the buttons meant the channel changed and there was no stopping her - we had the radio channels, 16 and pregnant, stand up on Dave, the music channels, full volume and no sound and a laughing Isabella who thought that it was great and she didnt try to eat it this time which is always a plus!
It was funny watching her sat there holding the remote and laughing her head off and bouncing around while she changed the channels and the look on her face was a picutre.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Empty boxes

Isabella is now like my old cat, we gave her an empty coke can box and put some of her toys in it and she was having great fun pulling them all out and throwing them on the floor and then demanding that they were put back in again! I was waiting for her to put it on her head but we havent got that far yet.

Buggy Grand Prix

Isabella has found something else that she loves - racing round the garden in her buggy, she loves being pushed along generally at people is the best! (I dread the day she can drive!!!).  She sits there squealing and laughing but of course you have to be careful not to crash!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


We took Isabella to a different swimming pool today and she absolutly loved it, we had one of those inflatable chairs that the baby can sit in and she had her all in one wetsuit on and there was no stopping her!
Shen was off and wandering using the inflatable as a water walker and she was chatting away and laughing her head off.
When the wave machine started up she was a little unsure but she soon learned that all was good and she loved bobbing around even when I wasnt ready for some waves and they crashed over her.
That was the first time we had used an inflatable baby seat and it certainly wont be the last! much easier than holding them and Isabella really loved making me chase after her.

Beach Tent

Last year we got ourselves a beach tent and since we have had Isabella it has been brilliant for providing her with shade in the garden and she loves playing in there and it is great for hanging her toys on and she spends ages trying to get them and laughing her head off when ever anyone sneaks up and plays peek-a-boo.  I would highly recommend one to any family!! While we were at the beach on the weekend we had people coming and asking us where we havd got it from!


Isabella was very interested in the BBQ we had last night she was watching the flames with great interest and thought it was funny watching daddy trying to get the food cooking without cooking myself! 
She wasnt so amused that she couldnt have any of the cooked food but loved the soft bits of bread that mummy gave her, she has 2 teeth now and knows how to use them and I know how to keep my finger safe!

Monday, 18 April 2011

The Beach

Yesterday Isabella was feeling alot better and so we decided that as the weather was nice we would go to the beach - Isabella was brilliant in the car chatting away most of the journey saying 'dada' and 'bla bla' and squealing away thinking everything was great.  We got to Christchurch and she was all excited and happy and when she saw the beach and the sea she had a look on her face of WOW this looks different. 
She was happy sitting in the beach tent looking at the sand and sea and trying her hardest to get hold of anything in sight and reach.  One she was changed and ready to go out on the beach she started to clap and giggle and she now likes to walk while being held and she has all the right moves but cannot walk unaided (yet!!), she thought the sand was brilliant and tasty?? she managed to get her hands covered in it and just like any baby straight to the mouth! The sea was freezing on my feet but she didnt seem to care about that and loved paddling in it and didnt want to stop and she looked so cute in her swim suit and hat sat on the beach laughing and smiling.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Little one unwell

Well the last couple of days have been a change as our little one has been unwell, she is still smiling and laughing but not as much.  She does like playing peek-a-boo though with the bed covers and she is still a big fan of the Eastenders theme tune (its about the only thing she will stop drinking her bottle for).
Hopefully she will get all better soon and be back to her normal self and finding new things that make her smile and laugh and not throw up over daddy or mummy! lol

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Building blocks are in

My wife got Isabella some building blocks (the soft foam type) yeaterday and she absolutely loves them, she found it especially good to try and get them into my dinner last night as I was trying to eat.  It is great watching her develop and grow and I never get tired of hearing her laugh and chuckle and seeing her eyes light up when she smiles.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Stevie Wonder Impression

My baby daughter does a great impression of Stevie Wonder playing his piano, when she gets excited her arms and her head move just like I remember from years ago!

Chasing down the stairs

Isabella loves it when she is being carried down the stairs and someone is coming down behind, the only problem is that she grabs onto your cheek, hair, mouth, nose etc and she giggles and laughs and squeals. 
Strange how normal things amuse a baby?

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Clearing the table

The latest thing to get a chuckle out of our baby is to clear her high chair table all over the floor, then wait till everything has been put back on before doing it all over again! She also tries to clear the dining table when we are eating by pushing and pulling the table cloth (she hasn't quite mastered the trick of pulling the tablecloth off without knocking everything over yet!).

Monday, 28 March 2011

First tooth!!!!!

Have you heard all the horror stories out there about when your baby gets their first tooth? Our little girl has got her first tooth this morning and apart from a little bit of grissling last night you wouldnt know there was anything wrong?
I found a great way to entertain her earlier, i had brought a box of nappies earlier in the week and she woke from her nap and I thought 'hmm I wonder baby in the box?'  I sat her in it and she loved it and thought that it was great fun - guess I am going to have to build one of those box forts when she is older!! lol

Who needs a lawn mower

Who needs a lawn mower when you have a baby in bouncer!  I am going to have to move the position of the bouncer when we are outside as the lawn is getting bald spots where a little monkey is reaching down and pulling out the grass!

Saturday, 26 March 2011

How Many Bibs

How many bibs will you need?  I would go with at least 5 a day to start with and you want enough to last you for at least 3 - 4 days, you will be amazed at how many bibs a baby will go through to start with and then they slow down abit until they learn the art of dribbling.  If you have a tumble drier avoid the bibs with the 'plastic' backing as this will melt and the bib will be ruined after one or two goes in the drier.


Friday, 25 March 2011

Designer or Own Brand?

What a decision lol, you find out that you are going to be parents and you start thinking what do I get? When it comes to clothing some people like to go out and but loads of designer clothes but when you think about it whats the point?  A lot of the designer labels out there have sizes like up to 1 month and so with all the other clothes you buy chances are they might wear it once or not at all.  Our little one seems much happier in non designer clothes as they seem softer and more stretchy (technical term there lol) and all round more comfortable for her - she is certainly happier in them than other clothes she has. 
You dont need to spend a fortune to get plenty of clothes and if people ask you if you would like baby clothes when your little one comes along remember to let people know not to just get 0-3 months as otherwise you will have loads to start with and then suddenly run out as it surprising just how quick they grow.


Thursday, 24 March 2011

Who would have thought grass could be so much fun?

Our 6 month old is now 7 months old and she had her first experience of grass (I mean the lawn kind!!!!) she was sat in her bouncer in the back garden and she put her hand out and touched the grass and had a look of 'hmm whats this?' she then tried the other side of her bouncer and then it turned into pulling at the grass and thats when the laughing started.  She managed not to eat any grass though as I cleared her hands before they reached her mouth much to her disappointment.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Who would have thought clapping hands could be so much fun?

The latest thing to make our little one smile is clapping hands - she is now joining in although she doesnt always quite get her hands to clap! It is funny though when she gets really excited and falls over backwards (dont worry there are cushions behind her!) she does a great impression of a bird flapping its wings too!


Sunday, 20 March 2011

First time on the swings

As today was a nice day we decided that it would be a good time for our 6 month old to try out the swings - needless to say she loved it and it was funny watching her giggling and holding on, when she first started there was a look of 'what the hell is this?' She wasnt so keen on the see-saw though - that came with a look of what are you doing to me, there are other babies looking!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Dont give your baby the Sky remote

If you give your baby the sky remote prepare to have some strange channels come onto your telly!  We had some text channel appear last night much to the amusement of our little one.  Then the remote turned into a chew toy! When we changed it we ended up on a music channel and that was it there was laughing and clapping and giggling and one very wide awake baby! Sky remote

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Best things in life are free

Always remember that you dont have to spend a fortune to get the best out of life and this includes your little ones, my youngest daughter is the happiest baby I know and she loves nothing more than smiling and laughing at anything and strangely enough nothing lol.  Has your baby ever just stared into space and started chuckling and you cant see what they are laughing at??????????

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

My 6 month old is a fan of Eastenders!

My 6 month old will stop what ever she is doing once she hears the theme tune to Eastenders, she will even interrupt her bottle!  She is still smiling and laughing now and she tries to help daddy write the blogs but I dont think people will understand ccxvsasvdvdv lol

Even being ill doesnt get her down

Even when she is ill my youngest still laughs and smiles, in between coughing lol.  She loves her I love my duck book which regularly gets covered in dribble (good job it water proof) and dances away to even my singing!!!!!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Tickling under the chin

Tickling under the chin has worked well today although it does come with throwing the head back!!!!  Kamakazie baby!!!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Kids will laugh at anything!!!!

It is true kids will laugh at anything, especially if it involves you hurting yourself!!!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Theme tunes and adverts

My daughter absolutly loves the adverts, everytime they come on she laughs and smiles which is not bad for a 6 month old.  She also loves the Eastenders theme tune which is handy as its normally on at feeding time so it amuses her if her bottle isnt quite ready.

babychuckle: Welcome

babychuckle: Welcome: "Welcome to my blog. I have created this to share my experiences of what makes my baby smile and laugh which will hopefully be followed..."


Welcome to my blog.  I have created this to share my experiences of what makes my baby smile and laugh which will hopefully be followed by others who can add their experiences and give new parents ideas to help them remain sane and calm.